General Fatigue, Weakness, Shortness Of Breath, Dizziness, Strange Cravings For Non-Food Items, Tingling/Crawling Sensation In Feet/Legs, Tongue Swelling Or Soreness, Cold Hands And/Or Feet, Fast Or Irregular Heartbeat, Brittle Nails, Headaches, Anemia, Decreased Immune Function, Slow Healing
Often There Are No Symptoms. High Blood Pressure, Dry Skin, Dry Hair, Brittle Nails, Muscle Cramps, Muscle Pain, Tingling In Fingers And Toes, Cataracts, Thinning/Weakening Of The Bones, Weakened Tooth Enamel, Tooth Decay, Seizures, Insomnia
Poor Skin Health, Low Energy, Fatigue, Poor Blood Sugar Control, Weak Bones/Bone Loss, High Risk Of High Cholesterol & Heart Issues, Poor Memory, Low Concentration, Appetite Changes, Worsened Eye Heath, Mood Changes: Increased Anxiety, Stunted Growth/Development, Poor Wound Healing
Unexplained Weight Loss, Poor Wound Healing/Wounds That Won’T Heal, Lack Of Alertness/Brain Fog, Decreased Smell And Taste, Diarrhea, Loss Of Appetite, Poor Immune Function, Frequent Head Colds, Blurry Vision, Drops In Blood Sugar, Sexual Dysfunction
Weak & Brittle Bones, Bone Pain, Muscle Weakness